Misconceptions :
--- promotes sleep.
--- sign of tiredness due to lack of Oxygen.
Recent Research Findings :
-- Drawing in air helps in cooling the brains and also helps it to work more efficiently.
-- Yawning does not depends on the level of oxygen/carbon-di-oxide in the blood.
-- Yawning does not promotes sleep but instead it activates the brain to work more effective by making the brain more cooler.
-- Yawning occurs due to the rise in brain temperature , sending the cool air will maintain optimal level of mental efficiency.
Contagious Yawns :
-- 50% of People who breathe thru' their mouth yawned while seeing other ppl yawning , while the ppl who breathe thru' nose didn't yawned at all.
-- Also ppl with cold pack forehead didn't yawned, but ppl with warm_packed forehead yawned contagiously.
Hope my dear readers yawned multiple times while reading this article , :-).